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Prof. Tanalis Padilla, History History Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Zachary Cordero, Aeronautics and Astronautics Aeronautics and Astronautics d'Arbeloff Fund
Prof. Richard G. Milner, Physics Physics Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Richard Teague, Michael Person, Timothy C. Brothers, and Artem Burdanov, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences d'Arbeloff Fund
Prof. John D.E. Gabrieli and Prof. Pawan Sinha, Brain and Cognitive Sciences MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research Alumni Class Funds
Pierce Hayward, Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Alumni Class Funds
Kang Zhou, Global Languages Global Languages Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Edward Schiappa, Comparative Media Studies/Writing Comparative Media Studies/Writing Alumni Class Funds
Dr. Eva Dessein, Global Languages Global Languages Alumni Class Funds
Dr. Mehdi Salek and Prof. Linda Griffith, Biological Engineering Biological Engineering NEET Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Leigh H. Royden, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; Dr. Paola Rebusco, Dr. Analia Barrantes, and David R. Custer, Experimental Study Group Experimental Study Group Alumni Class Funds
Associate Prof. Catherine Clark and Associate Prof. Hiromu Nagahara, History History Alumni Class Funds
Ian Hattwick, Music and Theater Arts Music and Theater Arts Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Jennifer S. Light, Science, Technology, and Society Science, Technology, and Society Alumni Class Funds
Associate Prof. Caitlin T. Mueller and Prof. Sheila Kennedy, Architecture Architecture Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Lawrence Guth and Sanjoy Mahajan, Mathematics Mathematics Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Olivier L. de Weck and Prof. Luca Carlone, Aeronautics and Astronautics; Dr. Rea Lavi, NEET Aeronautics and Astronautics Alumni Class Funds
Prof. John Fernandez, Architecture Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI) Alumni Class Funds
Assistant Prof. Long Ju and Dr. Fangzhou Xia, Physics; Prof. Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Mechanical Engineering Physics Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Eden Medina, Science, Technology, and Society Science, Technology, and Society Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Anna Frebel, Physics Physics Alumni Class Funds
Prof. Michael Short, Nuclear Science and Engineering;
Prof. Manduhai Buyandelger, Anthropology
Nuclear Science & Engineering, Anthropology NEET d'Arbeloff Fund
Prof. Christine Walley, Prof. Bettina Stoetzer, Prof. Amy Moran-Thomas, and Prof. Heather Paxson, Anthropology Anthropology GIRs d'Arbeloff Fund
Prof. Christoph Paus, Physics;
Dr. Chad Freer, Nuclear Science and Engineering
Physics GIRs d'Arbeloff Fund
Tobias Putrih, Art, Culture, and Technology;
Prof. Vladimir Bulović, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
MIT Program in Art, Culture, and Technology Alumni Class Funds