What you need to know
The review of a new undergraduate degree program is a multi-committee process involving the Committee on Curricula (CoC), the Committee on the Undergraduate Program (CUP), the Subcommittee on the Communication Requirement (SOCR), and the Faculty Policy Committee (FPC).
Proposals for new undergraduate degree programs must be led by a MIT Faculty member and submitted online to the Registrar’s Office. In your proposal, you will be asked to provide a description of the program, rationale for its inclusion, assessment of the anticipated impact of the program, identification of core faculty and academic infrastructure, and letters of support. Proposals should be submitted in the fall for potential implementation during the next academic year.
In its review, each committee focuses on different aspects of the proposal and may also refer specific elements to other entities for consideration and feedback. After the committees’ approvals, new degrees are voted on by the Faculty before being sent to the MIT Corporation for final approval.
Review the guidelines and timeline for new undergraduate degree proposals.