Wallace Astrophysical Observatory Student Observing Program

Principal Investigator
Prof. Richard Teague, Michael Person, Timothy C. Brothers, and Artem Burdanov, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Fund: d'Arbeloff Fund
Funding Period: AY2025
Department/Lab/Center: Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

MIT’s Wallace Astrophysical Observatory (WAO), located 45 miles from campus in Westford, MA, is the focus of two core classes in Courses 8 and 12, and hosts a large number of UROP students and other research activities. While student demand for telescope access is growing, the 2-hour round trip to the site severely limits the number of students able to interact with this unique teaching facility. We propose to develop a Student Observing Program to expand the number of students who can engage with WAO and connect them with MIT researchers, maximizing our educational impact and research output. With long-term commitments for UROPs from EAPS, Physics and the MIT Kavli Institute, support from the d’Arbeloff Fund will enable us to renovate and equip a remote-control facility in Building 54 for this observing program, allowing us to fully realize the educational and research potential of WAO.